Sunday, July 3, 2011


According to his daughter, on March 20th, 1858, Albert Pike was crowned Active Member of the Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction, at Charleston, South Carolina, and in an act committed expressly for the purpose, upon the resignation of Brother John Honour, was elected Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States on January 2nd, 1859 (Just in time to make it for the Civil War - ed)
Nineteen years later, in 1878, in an address before his Council, Pike confessed: "I am often asked why we do not publish our old transactions, to which I am compelled to reply, that we have none to publish. We have no records of the transactions at Charleston from 1801 to 1860. What records we had were destroyed during the War." Thus did "Free"-masonry burn its bridges to prevent the suspicious from discovering the actual perpetrators of the War Between the States, the actual reasons why people of the same blood senselessly slaughtered each other.
Somewhere around 1855, Albert Pike pulled up stakes and, departing his 13 room house, the beloved Indian mounds and the secrets of Little Rock's Arkansas River caves, pointed himself northwesterly. His destination was Fort Smith, in the county adjoining the one in which Cain Hill is located. Situated on a high point of land where the Poteau River flows into the Arkansas, to the occultist, this cave-studded terrain, rich in legend of a hairy man-like monster creature, and small people with round eyes, must have presented enormous potential for exploration and possible usurpation; then, perhaps, he knew very well what was below, and his mission in Fort Smith was more a matter of protecting from curious eyes hidden facts which, if known, would spell doom to Masonry's objective.
Soon to serve as Brigadier-General in the Confederate Army, Pike would also be named by the Confederate Government as Indian Commissioner in charge of conducting negotiations with the most powerful tribes. Then to make operable an army of rampageous Indians, he was made Governor of Indian Territory.

[pic: The Fouke Monster, the "Big Foot" of the Ozarks]

The plan was executed with military precision. Abutting the bustling town of Fort Smith and forming the western border of Arkansas was the Reservation with its heavy concentration of Arkansas Indians who, still trusting, failed to realize they had been trapped and betrayed by the man they called their friend.
For a while Pike taught school in Fort Smith, which no doubt was a cover for other operations, such as instilling in the Indians under his charge more hatred of Whites, particularly those of the North, and teaching them evermore barbarous ways of waging war.
As one of its architects, Pike knew the time for Civil War was nigh. And well he knew the dates for calamitous events. Then as now, Masonry relied upon a number system to work out a series of events leading ultimately to "a crisis." All of which, no doubt, was calculated by computer... Computers back then? Of course, hundreds, even thousands of years ago! Even as, at the time of Albert Pike, high Masons in the United States had instant voice contact with high Masons in sensitive Masonic points in Europe and Asia. They possessed instruments of amazing simplicity, yet far more advanced than what serves the same purpose today.
Freemasonry's very existence depended upon a civil war in this country. Everything was at stake. The industrial North's heavy population was preponderantly Catholic and/or conservative minded, while the sparse, cotton-growers of the South were more inclined toward Protestantism and a democratic (liberal) form of government.
Therefore the Vatican, which was aligned with powerful Jews of the Pharisee kind (today's Zionists), had a heavy say in what went on in the North. Particularly was Catholicism a force to be reckoned with politically. The main barrier to pushing through banking bills that would, install a banking system that could - and would - take full possession of the Nation's economy and, therefore, the government, perhaps of greater importance was Vatican/rightwing Jew control of Northern power points - locations where positive and negative elements draw together magnetically to form a power source of invisible yet intense energy.
Unknown to all except top initiates - and certain Indians - these places are vital to the nether world inhabitants; they also are places where, if one could see their way in the dark, one might stumble across gold and silver treasure, and gems to stagger the imagination.
Despite the fact that he was a known "abolitionist" - pro-slavery's opponent, Pike entered the war on the side of the Confederacy. At last he was able to unleash Indian savagery with full force. The atrocities committed against the men in blue at Pea Ridge and Elkhorn were so appalling that foreign governments upon hearing of them lodged protests, after which Jefferson Davis was forced to call a halt to the beastly conduct. Due to his callous disregard for rules of civilized warfare, Pike was imprisoned for awhile. But disgrace has a habit of disappearing permanently when studiously ignored by those who write history.
After allowing time to forget, Arkansas not only forgave Pike his miserable misdeeds but actually honored him for what he had done! In time to make it for World War I, there was built just outside Little Rock a military training center. Accommodating over 100,000 recruits, the huge facility was named... Camp Pike! However, somewhere along the line there had to have been strong objection - no doubt from persons knowing the true nature of Freemasonry and some of the truth of Albert Pike, for the name was changed to Camp Robinson.
Doubtless, it was to honor Pike, Masonry's number one Gentile destroyer - when, amidst wild protest of angry white parents, Little Rock was singled out as the place to first thrust black children into a white school... Remember, Pike was a school teacher in Arkansas... Adhering closely to Masonry's propensity to use the number 13 - a code used frequently and openly to convey messages to top-layer occultists - Arkansas' State Flag was adopted in 1913, which was the same year Washington's Masonic lawmakers allowed the Hittite/Canaanite Federal Reserve System to sneak in and, with no strings attached, dispense the Nation's money.
The log cabin in which Pike taught school in Albert Pike has been preserved as a memorial. Looking over a 1976 (7+6=13) Bicentennial map of Arkansas, I note with interest the number13 marked on the dam site on Fort Smith's side the Arkansas River. Inspecting a detailed enlargement of Fort Smith, I note an Albert Pike thoroughfare near the dam.
Directly across the Arkansas River from Fort Smith is Van Buren. Serving both cities, there, not far from the water's edge, is the Crawford County Courthouse. Constructed on what remained of the original which, along with most of the courthouse records, was destroyed by fire in 1877 (is it any wonder the conspirators adore the god of Fire?) the present Courthouse is charming with Eighteenth Century Revolutionary styling. Interesting is the shuttered cupola and its clock, over which, as though biding its time, is Masonry's Triangle.
A final note, Camp Robinson (formerly Camp Pike) and Fort Smith, both of which were Pike's stamping grounds, are now federal reservations. I have read that Fort Chaffee, which is incorporated into Fort Smith, is one of the concentration camps to which protesting Christian patriots are to be sent - probably for extermination - during the coming Time of the End.


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