Sunday, July 3, 2011


Another interesting exercise is when the Great Seal is overlaid with the Illuminati Crest.  By doing this you will see how the eye in the triangle symbol, matches perfectly with the centroid of the stars within the crest, leaving an unmistakable message for the initiated elites, clearly illustrating that Satan and the so-called “Star of David” or more correctly the “Double Divinity” are representative of one and the same.

The 32 feathers on the left wing of the eagle signify the 32 degrees of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The right wing has 33 feathers for the extra 33rd honorary degree and inner head of the Scottish Rite.  George Washington (himself on the front of the One-Dollar Bill) was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason. The 9 tail feathers indicate the 9 additional degrees of the York Rite of Freemasonry. There are13 olives and 13 leaves on the olive branches, 13 arrows in the other eagle's claw, 13 stripes on the shield, 13 stars above the eagle in the form of a Hexagram, 13 letters in "E PLURIBUS UNUM", 13 letters in "ANNUIT COEPTIS", 13 rows of bricks in the pyramid. To the Cabbalist, the number13 is associated with the Snake, or serpent, a familiar Judeo-Masonic symbol of antiquity.

To the adepts, the Pyramid is symbolic of a mountain. A Square base represents the four corners of the World and the four directions.  Its peak rises to the sky, piercing the heavens, where it connects Heaven and Earth.  It is a path between the worldly and the heavenly.  It combines the triangular symbol and that of the square, the sacred numbers 3 and 4.  Also the word "pyramid" is composed of the Greek words "pyra" meaning fire, light, or visible, and the word "midos" meaning measures. The pyramids of Giza are among the oldest man-made structures in existence and were used, among other things to indicate solstices and equinoxes. The ancient Pythagorean relationship represented by a 3-4-5 right triangle is displayed in the dimensions of the King's Chamber, however the Pythagorean relation was not identified until 497 B.C.  Interestingly, the length of the diagonals of the antechamber within the very heart of the Great Pyramid is exactly 666 pyramid incheswith the outer mantle composed of exactly 144,000 casing stones. 
by Ray Novosel

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